Angela Constance, Member of the Scottish Parliament for Almond Valley Constituency
  • 01506 460403

  • angela.constance.msp@parliament.scot

    Unit 4, Ochil House, Beveridge Square, Livingston, West Lothian, EH54 6QF

Emma Caldwell case: Justice Secretary statement 07/03/24

Emma Caldwell case: Justice Secretary statement 07/03/24

Published date : 07 March, 2024
  • Debates

Presiding Officer, as part of my role in progressing the Victims, Witness and Justice Reform Bill, I have heard from many victims and survivors that, for them, the justice system is distressing and disempowering.

Women and girls have told government, and the Criminal Justice Committee, that their experiences of the justice system have been worse than the crime itself and this is completely unacceptable and must be addressed. It is why I would urge those in the Chamber to look at the proposals in our Bill, and the reforms that we want to drive forward so we have a justice system that works for sexual offence complainers.

A consistent and robust response throughout the justice system, from initial complaint to the end of any trial is critical in our efforts to prevent violence against women and girls.

We must all do better to support those courageous women who speak up - and to all the women and girls in our country who feel that they don’t have a voice.

Including those that are on the margins of society, through trauma or addiction, who need us. That they too will be heard.

Presiding Officer, let me finish where I began.

To the Caldwell family - no matter what I say today or announce in this chamber it will not be enough to respond to your loss and tragedy.

But I, this government and, I very much believe this Parliament, want to do everything that we can.

And so for you Margaret, for William, for your family and for women and girls across this country - but most of all for Emma - I am pleased to tell the Parliament today that there will be a public Inquiry.

And I will continue to give all that I have to eradicate violence against women and girls across this country so that no one has to endure what you have endured.

But I want to leave Margaret with the final words today, which she shared with me earlier, Presiding Officer. She said:

‘My daughter Emma and the many victims who so courageously spoke up, deserve nothing less than a robust independent public inquiry and a judge who will act without fear or favour. There are those who say that such inquiries take too long, but my family has struggled for 19 years to get justice and we will wait however long it takes to see the truth and will accept nothing less.

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    • www.angelaconstance.scot

    • 01506 460403

    • angela.constance.msp@parliament.scot

      Unit 4, Ochil House, Beveridge Square, Livingston, West Lothian, EH54 6QF

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