Angela Constance, Member of the Scottish Parliament for Almond Valley Constituency
  • 01506 460403

  • angela.constance.msp@parliament.scot

    Unit 4, Ochil House, Beveridge Square, Livingston, West Lothian, EH54 6QF

Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party Debate Repealing the Hate Crime Act 17 04 24

Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party Debate Repealing the Hate Crime Act 17 04 24

Published date : 17 April, 2024
  • Debates

The premise of the Conservatives today is that they are right and everyone else is wrong. I think that that diminishes their position and the propositions that they have put forward. It is, of course, important that none of us seeks to rewrite history—some members have spoken very well about the excellent cross-party collaboration as the hate crime legislation passed through Parliament. There were parliamentarians—the minority—who were fundamentally opposed to the legislation. Some members today, such as Liz Smith and Jamie Greene, have explained their position in a cogent and legitimate manner.

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    • www.angelaconstance.scot

    • 01506 460403

    • angela.constance.msp@parliament.scot

      Unit 4, Ochil House, Beveridge Square, Livingston, West Lothian, EH54 6QF

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